Scientific notation is used to express large numbers into a smaller expression without losing important aspects of the number and its representation. Examples of large numbers are: the number of stars in a galaxy, the numbers of grain sands on a beach, the popoulation of a country.
However, the speed of a car doesn't need scientific notation, beacuse it can't be a large number.
Therefore, the right asnwer here is "Velocidad de un Carro".
The given number is [tex]0.9 \times 10^{-5}[/tex].
This number is not correct, because, according to the rules of scientific notations, the coefficient of the power must be from 1 to 9, and here we have 0.9, which is out of such interval.
If we use an exponent between 0 and 1, the ten power would decrease. But, if we use exponents greater than 1, that means the ten power will increase. That's the difference between.