Respuesta :
Believed to be the cause at the time:
miasma and rats
BelievEd to be a good treatment at the time:
bleeding, flowers, and humor
Believed to be the cause now:
Believed to be a good treatment now:
antibiotics and improved sanitation
Explaination : Miasma and rats were believed at the time because people and no perception of microbial life at the time, the real cause was ticks and infection. Blood letting was a popular treatment to "purify the blood" but it did more harm then good. The other two are self-explanatory.
The global epidemic of the Bubonic Plague or famously known as the Black Death struck Asia ad Europe in the mid-1300s.
What do we know about its history?
- It was October 1347 that the plague struck Europe docking 12 ships from the black sea at the Sicilian port of Messina.
- Isolation was the best-known method to tackle the black death and stop its spread in the community. The period of isolation extended from 14 to 40 days depending upon the severity.
- Using isolation techniques, observation stations, and disinfectant procedures, the health officials help combat the black death.
- Some efforts included pure water supplies, garbage disposal and inspecting the food quality.
What can we infer from the above chart?
- If we talk of the cause of the Plague at that time, according to the doctors it was caused due to the transmission of the disease from the rats to the humans.
- When it comes to the treatment of the disease, improved sanitation came to the minds of the doctors to help prevent its spread.
- At the present time, if we talk of the cause of the Bubonic Plague, it is the infection caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pestis in humans through rats.
- Talking of the good treatment which is available today for the Bubonic plague, it is the antibiotics and several other medications which help curb the spread of the disease.
To know more about the plague please refer to: