Tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

1. A gerund consists of to plus the present form of the verb.
2. An elliptical clause is one in which the reader must infer or add some of the information.
3. Either a semicolon or a comma will adequately separate the parts of a compound sentence.
4. The example to the little store is a split infinitive error.
5.Parallel structure concerns the balance of ideas and grammatical functions.

Respuesta :

1. A gerund consists of to plus the present form of the verb.

2. An elliptical clause is one in which the reader must infer or add some of the information.

3. Either a semicolon or a comma will adequately separate the parts of a compound sentence.

4.The example to the little store is a split infinitive error.

5.Parallel structure concerns the balance of ideas and grammatical functions.

1. A gerund consists of to plus the present form of the verb: FALSE

A gerund consists of is the root of a verb plus the ending "-ing". For example, Jog + ing = jogging, Play + ing = playing, Think + ing = thinking.

2. An elliptical clause is one in which the reader must infer or add some of the information: TRUE

An elliptical clause is a dependent clause that deliberately has an incomplete grammatical construction (They're missing a subject or a verb) because the context in which that clause is being said is enough to easily understand what the implied subject or verb is. Here's an example: Marta is sleeping over the chair, and Federico on the couch (The second clause is elliptical because it does not have a verb, but we can infer the rest of the clause for the context).

3. Either a semicolon or a comma will adequately separate the parts of a compound sentence: TRUE

A compound sentence is a sentence containing two or more independent clauses, these clauses can be separated by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (like and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or by a semicolon.

4. The example to the little store is a split infinitive error: FALSE

A split infinitive error is when a word or phrase comes between the construction of an infinitive verb, in other words, when the infinitive verb construction is split. For example, "to carefully take the crystal camera." The phrase "The example to the little store" is not a split infinitive because the phrase does not have a verb infinitive.

5. Parallel structure concerns the balance of ideas and grammatical functions: TRUE

The parallel structure is a construction that uses the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence in order to show that the ideas are equally important and to give a natural flow to the reading.