Respuesta :
I think that this goes back to when you had to be 21 and you had to be white when racism was still a thing. Still, I think that it's not the best idea to let children vote I think they need to experience their life first so they can fully understand who's doing right from wrong. So basically I think that this should stay as a law.
I think that it would be a smart choice to keep the voting age above 18. At the age of 00 I should be having to worry about what I am going to wear when I go to hang out with my friends instead of worrying about what the next law Biden is going to passing pass. My peers are not the brightest people I have ever met especially the male gender. I mean come on they make jokes about their private areas shamelessly in front of people they have just met. Politics is a very sensitive topic and I think it would be better to be left untouched by the younger citizens of America.
I wrote this but just make sure to correct the age part before using this. :)