Respuesta :


a] Let us go shopping. The shops should not be crowded. Monday morning

is quiet.

(b) Wouldn't it be better to roll up the carpet before you paint the

(c) She asked what she should do if any letters came while I was away

(d) If I should find your notebook, I will give you a ring.

(e) If you could wait a moment, I shall come with you.


Assalam-u-Alaikum ,Hope you are fine your answer is below:


(a)  go shopping (because go is a verb and its 2nd and 3rd form is went,gone)

,crowded(it's a verb with 2nd  form of verb its 1st and 3rd form of verb is crowd,crowded)  ,  quite (is also a verb )

(b) to roll up , paint

(c) asked ,do (from should do) , came ,away

(d) find , give ( will is a helping verb )

(e)wait ,come ( shall is a Helping Verb )

Hope it helps you


God Bless you

Allah Hafiz