Answer and Explanation:
As per the data given in the question,
A domestic car company buys a new welding machine from a local manufacturer = Goods and service market
Goods and service market is that place where households purchase items and business person sell their products.This market includes stores, Internet, and other places where customer can exchange goods and services.
Government pays more amount than it has it its tax revenue which indicates it's running budget deficit that is financed with government bonds = Foreign exchange market
Foreign exchange market is a platform where global decentralized trading of currencies takes place. This market defines foreign exchange rates for every currency.
A local business takes $100,000 for temporary use form bank = Loanable fund market
loanable fund market determines the market interest rate. According to this, the interest rate is determined by demand and supply of loanable funds.
A local business hires consultant to counsel its employee = Resource market
Resource market is a market in which the business person can go in the market to buy the resources in order to purchased the goods and services