Today, the Meakambut struggle to maintain their nomadic lifestyle in the face of pressure to integrate into other cultures on the island. Write a paragraph describing this challenge and any actions the Meakambut have taken to work with the outside world.

Respuesta :

Answers will vary but should include the following concepts:

the Meakumbuts’ love of and loyalty to their nomadic lifestyle, as it is the only way of life they have ever known

the spreading of easily curable diseases, which are bringing the Meakumbut people to the edge of extinction; and the fact that living as nomads, they do not have access to medical care

the letter written to the government by the Meakumbut people as a form of compromise between two very different ways of life


The Meakambut have a very small population. So, integration with other cultures could have a large impact on future generations. Communicating with other culture groups could lead to many Meakambut becoming bilingual. But this could also lead to a loss of their language. It is possible that things like trade might limit the ability of the Meakambut to be nomadic. The Meakambut may also adapt some of the food and technology of neighboring communities.


edmentum answer !! so change it up a little :)