Use this information to answer the following 7 questions.

A large financial institution is interested in training its college educated workforce "Advanced Microsoft Excel". Management is considering 3 approaches: online, traditional classroom and hybrid (a mix of both). Prior to launching the program throughout the entire organization, they decided to pilot test the three approaches. Because they believed that educational background may affect the results, they selected 3 employees from each of 10 different college major program of study (liberal arts, accounting, economics, management, marketing, finance, information systems, computer science, operations, other), and randomly assigned each to one of the three approaches. At the end of training, each participant took an exam. Below is the partially completed ANOVA table.

Source DF SS MS F P-value
Treatment (Training) 2 171.47
Block (Major) Error 9 2239.47
Error 18 206.53

The above study is ________.

a. an observational study
b. an experimental study

Respuesta :


1) b. an experimental study

2) a. μ1=μ2=μ3

3) a. MSE

4) MSTR =85.735

5) value of the F-statistics =7.472

6) b. 0.004

7) a. We reject the null hypothesis

8) b. Yes

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