Here are 2 situations. Please provide 4 checkpoint B statements per situation.
Please pay attention to the Tense you need to use. Situation #1 will be in the
PRESENT tense and Situation #2 will be in the PRETERITE.
Situation: I am an exchange student,
it is my first day in your class.
Introduce yourself
we will talk about school and classes
Task: Create 4 questions/statements you could use
for this conversation. (checkpoint B)
I need help can someone please help me with this?!

Respuesta :


1. Hola, soy estudiante de intercambio, me podrĂ­as ayudar a encontrar la clase de historia?

2. Perdone, me puedo sentar a tu lado, esque soy nueva y no conozco a nadie

3. Me gustarĂ­a pOrder jugar a un deporte, sabes como puedo entrar en el equipo de voleibol?

4. Sabes que autobus tengo que coger para llegar al centro?
