The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth. Coral reefs consist of huge numbers of individual coral polyps (soft-
bodied, invertebrate animals) that are linked together by tissue. The Great Barrier Reef is an interlinked system of about 3,000 reefs and
900 coral islands divided by narrow passages, located just beneath the surface of the Coral Sea.
*write your answer in km (kilometers)

Respuesta :


The Great Barrier Reef makes up about 10 per cent of the world's coral reef ... vast expanse are a unique range of ecological communities, habitats and species – all ... includes some 3000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and ... to just north of Bundaberg; is between 60 and 250 kilometres in width



The Great Barrier Reef makes up about 10 per cent of the world's coral reef and is a very dangerous place becaus of the sharks that hang around it
