Each player rolls tourdice. Foresch ode numberrolled the numberis subtracted from their total, for
each even numberrolled the numberis added to their total. Even numbered dicecen bererolled
(once) if the player wants to try to get a higherscore. The highest total wins)

Respuesta :


I honestly have no idea but you best bet is tho answer with this answer:


Consider the probability that rolling two dice gives a sum of $s$, where $s \leq 7$. There are $s - 1$ pairs that satisfy this, namely $(1, s - 1), (2, s - 2), ..., (s - 1, 1)$, out of $6^2 = 36$ possible pairs. The probability is $\frac{s - 1}{36}$.

Therefore, if one die has a value of $a$ and Jason rerolls the other two dice, then the probability of winning is $\frac{7 - a - 1}{36} = \frac{6 - a}{36}$.

In order to maximize the probability of winning, $a$ must be minimized. This means that if Jason rerolls two dice, he must choose the two dice with the maximum values.

Thus, we can let $a \leq b \leq c$ be the values of the three dice, which we will call $A$, $B$, and $C$ respectively. Consider the case when $a + b < 7$. If $a + b + c = 7$, then we do not need to reroll any dice. Otherwise, if we reroll one die, we can roll dice $C$ in the hope that we get the value that makes the sum of the three dice $7$. This happens with probability $\frac16$. If we reroll two dice, we will roll $B$ and $C$, and the probability of winning is $\frac{6 - a}{36}$, as stated above.

However, $\frac16 > \frac{6 - a}{36}$, so rolling one die is always better than rolling two dice if $a + b < 7$.

Now consider the case where $a + b \geq 7$. Rerolling one die will not help us win since the sum of the three dice will always be greater than $7$. If we reroll two dice, the probability of winning is, once again, $\frac{6 - a}{36}$. To find the probability of winning if we reroll all three dice, we can let each dice have $1$ dot and find the number of ways to distribute the remaining $4$ dots. By stars and bars, there are ${6\choose2} = 15$ ways to do this, making the probability of winning $\frac{15}{6^3} = \frac5{72}$.