Make a kingdom and tell me The name and Location your kingdom is in Also bonus What's the religion of your people in the kingdom

Bonus is For Brainliest Award​

Respuesta :


My kingdom is set in Rome. It's called Alliaria, aptly named  after the beautiful flower alliaria petiolata. In this kingdom, we strive to live in peace and harmony with our God Jesus Christ, who we worship. We practice the Christian religion and pray every day. We hold many sermons throughout the week to show our dedication to God. In Alliaria, we also have strong borders to protect our kingdom from invaders who seek to conquer it. Hopefully, the kingdom will prosper for all eternity.


That was quite confusing, but I hope I addressed the main points a kingdom should have? Not sure why you need to create a fictional kingdom, but I hope "Alliaria" works for you. Also, if the place it has to be set in must be fictional feel free to make up something random like "Dimension Z" or whatever. I hope this was helpful!