We come before you now, not to ask your assistance in an untried experiment, but to give you the high privilege of becoming fellow-laborers with us, in a cause which is already triumphing, and is destined to triumph, until the floods of pollution are stayed, and the whole earth purified by the spirit of the Lord. In our efforts hitherto, we have had to contend not only, or mainly, with ignorance and vice. They are our natural foes, and we had counted the cost of their opposition, and made up our minds accordingly. But we had a right to expect the cooperation of the virtuous and intelligent, of all who are seeking to effect the removal of sin and suffering, and the universal prevalence of purity and holiness. Our Society has these great objects expressly in view. - Female Moral Reform Society, 1836
Which of these groups would most likely receive the greatest benefit from the ideas presented in this passage? A) Women B) Politicians C) Share-croppers D) the merchant class