The hexadecimal equivalent of the encrypted A is C2
Encrypted binary digit of A = 11000010
Hexadecimal equivalent of the encrypted binary digit.
We start by grouping 11000010 in 4 bits
This is as follows;
1100 0010
The we write down the hexadecimal equivalent of each groupings
1100 is equivalent to 12 in hexadecimal
So, 1100 = 12 = C
0010 is represented by 2 in hexadecimal
So, 0010 = 2
Writing this result together; this gives
1100 0010 = C2
Going through the conversion process;
A is first converted to binary digits by shifting a point to the left
A => 11000010
11000010 is then converted to hexadecimal
11000010 = C2
Conclusively, the hexadecimal equivalent of the encrypted A is C2