He will charge for smaller package Equal to consumer surplus of keno customer with q = 9
Price of small package = 1 / 2 * 9 * 9
If veno willingness to pay for 9 updates is
= 1 / 2 * 9 * 9 + 9 * (42 - 9)
= 40.5 + 9 * 33
= 40.5 + 297 = 337.5
So he will get surplus of (337.5 - 40.5 = 297 by buying smaller package.
Veno willingness to pay for larger package = 1/2 * 42 * 42 = 882
To make veno buy larger package ,andy need to make sure that veno also get same CONSUMERs surplus by buying larger package.
So price for larger package = 882 - 297 = 585