List down the types of intermolecular forces that exist between molecules (or basic units) in the species given below: (a) benzene (C6H6), (b) CH3Cl, (c) PF3, (d) NaCl, (e) CS2
(a) benzene (C6H6) - nonpolar molecules . Only dispersion forces are present.
(b) CH3Cl - Chloroform ; polar molecules. Both dispersion and dipole-dipole forces are
(c) PF3 - Phosphorus triflouride ; has polar bonds but has nonpolar molecule due to its symmetrical structure. Only dispersion forces are present. (d) NaCl - Sodium chloride ; ionic compound. Both ion-ion and dispersion forces are present.
(e) CS2 - Carbon disulfide ; nonpolar molecules. Only dispersion forces are present.