Respuesta :
On a scale of 1-10, I would rank my optimal wellness a 7. Since my husband has become disabled it has taken a toll on my personal health. We do not socialize as much as we used. Physically I am his care taker and this requires a lot of lifting. Mentally and emotionally, sometimes it's just hard being both our strengths. Since I have become quite aware of the affects this is taking my body and soul, I have tried to walk at least two miles a day. I find this gets me out of the house, allows me to clear my head a little bit, enjoying the nature around me and helping my physical health at the same time. The days I am allotted to do this, I find I am a much better me.
It works on Edgn
On a scale of 1 to 10 of all health I would rate my life right now a 5. Everything is just extremely average. Corona has had a huge impact on my life. Because of it my mental, social, and environmental health have been at an all time low. I feel restricted and as if my life is in autopilot. I have never been a very spiritual person so I'll say that's normal but physically I have been lacking quite a lot, I've been eating poorly and not working out as much. This is how I feel right now.