
is counter urbanisation a sustainable option to rural development? write an essay and discuss the following aspects,why rural settlements have declined,reasons why city dwellers opt for country life,benefits of living in the country and impact on the rural economy.

Respuesta :

Counterurbanization is a demographic and social process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas.
In the past century, people moved from the countryside to the city for various reasons. The most important of these are employment, the search for a better life, etc. In this regard, rural settlements have declined.
Nowadays many companies create  jobs in the country and also for rural communities so they do not need to move their entire family to a whole new setting, and also reduces unnecessary expenses. Most of the workers in these rural settings get paid less but have an option of either working from home or an office. If they were in an urban setting, the company would spend more money on an entirely new office.


Yes, it appears to be a valid option of the rural development.


  • The process of the counter urbanization or de-urbanisation is the demographic ad the social process of the move of the people for the urban to the rural areas.  Liker that of the suburbanization and is inversely related to the urbanization and takes place as a result of the inner city deprivation and is a cause that eds t the shrinkage of the city.
  • This process revolves around the idea of the migration movements form a populated are to a less populated. As the people have moved to from the countries based on various reasons like that of the job opportunities and the quality of the lifestyles.
  • The rural economy also grows and develops due to the spread to the urbanlifestylers and becomes as equal to the urban areas.