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Reflex action are actions done with any predetermined or prior thought about them. They are those actions that are not within the control of ones will. Reflex actions are those actions that one cannot exercise any single form of control over. Reflex actions are controlled by the spinal cord, not by the brain.

Examples of reflex actions are:

1. Blinking of the eye.

2. Heartbeat

3. Withdrawing of your hands when put in a fire.

4. Jumping off when mistakenly step on a nail.

Reflex actions are autonomic and do not involve the brain. They are in-born and we do not have to learn the, unlike conditional reflex actions.

On the other hand, A conditional reflex action is a type of reflex action that is learned overtime and have become part of the body. In other words, conditioned reflex actions are those actions that we learn how to do them, and have gotten accustomed to them to the extent that we can now do them without thinking of them. That is, we have conditioned our body to such actions. They are not in-born like reflex actions; rather, they are learned, but have become part of us.

Examples of Conditional reflex actions are:

1. Driving

2. Looking left and right before crossing the road.

These actions are not genetically inherent in organisms, but they are done without prior thinking. They are conditioned reflex actions.