Create a geometry application For this exercise you will create a module named ‘’ and a program that uses it. The module will contain two classes: Circle and Rectangle. • Start with the class example (Module 10, part 1b) as a basis for Circle o Add an attribute and getter method for the perimeter (distance around the outside, officially called the circumference ). • Write a class named Rectangle to represent a rectangle. The class should contain: o Two attributes that specify the length and the width. These should initially be set when the object is created with __init__. o Setter and getter methods for length and width. o Attributes and getter methods for the area and the perimeter. Then write a main program that will use the module.

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See explaination



import math class Circle: def __init__(self, radius = 0): self.__radius = radius self.__area = math.pi * self.__radius ** 2 self.__circumference = 2 * math.pi * self.__radius def set_radius(self, radius): self.__radius = radius self.__area = math.pi * self.__radius ** 2 self.__circumference = 2 * math.pi * self.__radius def get_radius(self): return self.__radius def get_area(self): return self.__area def get_circumference(self): return self.__circumference class Rectangle: def __init__(self, length = 0, breadth = 0): self.__length = length self.__breadth = breadth self.__calc_area() self.__calc_perimeter() def __calc_area(self): self.__area = self.__length * self.__breadth def __calc_perimeter(self): self.__perimeter = 2 * (self.__length + self.__breadth) def set_length(self, length): self.__length = length self.__calc_area() self.__calc_perimeter() def set_breadth(self, breadth): self.__breadth = breadth self.__calc_area() self.__calc_perimeter() def get_length(self): return self.__length def get_breadth(self): return self.__breadth def get_area(self): return self.__area def get_perimeter(self): return self.__perimeter

# (Main program)

import shapes if __name__ == "__main__": print("a. Circle") print("b. Rectangle") choice = input("\nChoose a Shape to continue: ") if choice == "a": radius = int(input("\nEnter Radius of the Circle: ")) myCircle = shapes.Circle(radius) print("\nArea of Circle:", myCircle.get_area()) print("Circumference of Circle:", myCircle.get_circumference()) reset = input("Do you want to change Radius (y/n): ") if reset == "y" or reset == "Y": radius = int(input("\nEnter new Radius of the Circle: ")) myCircle = shapes.Circle(radius) print("\nArea of Circle:", myCircle.get_area()) print("Circumference of Circle:", myCircle.get_circumference()) elif choice == "b": length = int(input("\nEnter length of Rectangle: ")) breadth = int(input("Enter breadth of Rectangle: ")) myRectangle = shapes.Rectangle(length, breadth) print("\nArea of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_area()) print("Perimeter of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_perimeter()) reset = input("Do you want to change Length and Breadth (y/n): ") if reset == "y" or reset == "Y": length = int(input("\nEnter new length of Rectangle: ")) breadth = int(input("Enter new breadth of Rectangle: ")) myRectangle = shapes.Rectangle(length, breadth) print("\nArea of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_area()) print("Perimeter of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_perimeter()) else: print("Invalid choice!!! \'", choice, "\'\nExiting...")