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You're average toaster uses so much more electricity than the average desk lamp. 2 slice toasters I believe uses about 1000 watts? And 4 slice uses 1600. The brightest lightbulbs tend to run on 100 watts so just imagine a lightbulb with 1600 watts. (There's a video of a man cranking the watts to a 1000 watt lightbulb up to millions until it pops)  Lightbulbs have a very far range in the amounts of energy they can take in. Here is a simplified answer-

On average- the toaster would use the most watts in terms of use

In other circumstances- The lightbulb would be the case.

So yeah,

It's Desklamps. They're really powerful.

Answer: Desklamp
Depending on the light it can use up to 12%
And closest to a toster was and electrical oven which was only 2% of current... So I'm pretty sure the answer would be a Desklamp