Respuesta :
The correct answer is B. The mirroring shield reflects Medusa.
Medusa was a character in Greek mythology. She was one of the three Gorgon, the only one of the three who had a mortal nature, and the daughter of Phorkys and Keto.
The three sisters Medusa, Stheno and Euryale, also known as Gorgons, were children of the Chthonian gods Phorkys and his sister Keto and were originally regarded in Greek art as deformed from birth.
Perseus, the son of Zeus and Princess Danae, was confronted with these Gorgons: Polydektes, who followed Danae to Perseus' displeasure, asked Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa in the hope that Perseus would - like everyone who has tried to do so - do not survive. That would have paved the way for Danae for Polydektes.
But Perseus had Athena on his side, who lent him a mirrored shield. He got winged shoes from Hermes, and nymphs gave him a camouflage cap. In his wing shoes, he hurried across the sky to the end of the world. Through Perseus, Athena hoped to completely eliminate the evil-doer Medusa and explained how he could behead Medusa without looking her in the face and therefore having to freeze to stone. When the Gorgons had fallen asleep, Perseus stalked to Medusa with the camouflage cap. He did not look directly at her face, but only at its image, which was reflected in Athens' shield. With a deliberate blow he beheaded Medusa and searched for the distance, while behind him the screaming and exasperated tones of her horrified sisters could be heard.