Translation of “Self-Reliance”
By: Henry David Thoreau
Directions: After reading, please answer the questions below using complete sentences.
There is a time in every man’s life when he realizes that the world has many good things in it. Nothing can come to man unless he works hard with what he is given in order to succeed. A man does not know what he is able to do until he tries.
Society as a whole does not do what is good for individual people. Society would rather have people celebrate, eat and take part in the same things. Society wants people to follow the rules that they set for everyone. Society does not want people to be independant and be able to take care of themselves. Society wants people to rely on each other.
To have a routine and do the same thing over and over again is what less intelligent (smart) people do. A person with a great soul will be bored with a routine. You must question everything, every day and search for the truth. Do not do the same things over and over again. People may not understand you if you do this, but many great people such as Jesus were not understood while they were alive.
Technology has helped man forget basic skills. A man can ride in a horse and buggy to go places, but riding a horse keeps him from exercising his feet. His feet would not be able walk long distances because he is so used to the horse taking him where he needs to go. A man can have a watch, but does not know how to tell time using the sun. Men do not know how to read the stars anymore.
What must man do in order to get the things he needs in life?