In 1811 the National Road was built using ____________________ ___________________. It connected the ____________________ to the West.
Businesses could transport ___________ ______________________ and ________________ ____________________.
The road made it easier for___________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________.
Fulton’s Steamboat In 1807, ____________ ___________________ designed a boat powered by a ____________________.
A steam engine had more power than a ______________________ _____________________ and could ______________________ _____________________.
Fulton’s steamboat could travel ________ ____________________. Boats without steam engines took ______________ to make the same trip.
Canals As boats became faster, more goods were shipped on rivers. A major problem was that ____________________ ___________________ ____________________.
The Erie Canal connected ___________ ______________________ ______________________ and ________________ _____________________.
Goods could be shipped quickly between _____________ _____________________. Goods could also easily be shipped _____________________ _____________________.
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Railroad Early railroads used ______________________ to pull cars over iron rails.
In 1814, _______________ ______________________ built the first train powered by a _____________________ ____________________.
The combination of ________________ and _____________________ made shipping goods _____________________ _____________________ than previous methods.
Telegraph In 1832, ____________ ___________________ began working on the telegraph., which sent messages using ____________________.
Telegraph messages used a series of clicks and sounds that stood for ______________________ _____________________.
By 1844, the first ____________________ ____________________ connected Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland.
Pony Express In 1859, the ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ______________________ was created.
Telegraph lines took a while to reach _______ _____________________. People used the ______________________ ______________________ to send messages to the West.
Mail carriers traveled on ___________________ along a trail that was nearly ____________ ___________________. The Pony Express was in operation until ______________ ___________________.