
truth or false
______16. Land organisms can be buried by mudslides, volcanic ash, or sand to eventually become fossilized.
_______ 17. Cross-cutting relationships helps geologists to determine the older and younger of two rock units.
_______ 18. Time is missing in a geologic section when there is an unconformity.
_______ 19. The largest mass extinction occurred at the end of the Cenozoic, when the dinosaurs died out.
_______ 20. All isotope pairs can be used to date any geological materials.
_______ 21. About fifty percent of all living organisms become fossils.
_______ 22. Changes in populations over time is biological evolution.
_______ 23. Prokaryotes are different from eukaryotes because they have a nucleus.
_______ 24. Present day life forms evolved from earlier life forms.
_______ 25. There is fossil evidence that modern horses evolved from an earlier animal.