Using a water bottle as our topic, describe how changing the type of water bottle fits into the four areas of sustainability; environment, culture, politics, and economics

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The world needs to stop the use of Plastic Water bottles.

Because plastic is non-biodegradable, it pollutes the environment, the rivers, drainage systems, and even our oceans.

Plastic Water Bottles have become a bio-hazard to our marine ecosystem. Autopsies performed on some sea fish have revealed several kilograms of human waste comprising mostly of plastic.

Another reason why it is critical to commence the disuse of the plastic water bottle is that it is not sustainable. Plastic is made from resins. Resins are gotten from plants and trees. It is impossible to continue to harvest resins at the current rate of plastic production and still have a green earth.

In some countries, purchasing water in a plastic bottle is a status symbol. The politicians who need to make decisions with regard to these issues are not helping matters because many of them either are not concerned or have vested interests in the companies along the value chain of plastic water bottle production.

Economically speaking, discontinuing the production of plastic water bottle may hurt quite a few companies. However, the government can help them transition into the production of other types of bottles such as stainless steel or glass water bottles which have less hazardous effects on the environment.
