WACC is 10.03%
After tax cost of debt is 5.32%
It would more appropriate to start with after tax cost of debt as that is required for WACC computation:
After tax cost=pretax cost of debt*(1-t)
where t is tax rate of 24% or 0.24
after cost of debt=7%*(1-0.24)=5.32%
WACC=Ke*E/V+Kd(after tax)*D/V+Kp*P/V
Ke is the cost of equity at 12%
Kd(after tax) is the after tax cost of debt at 5.32%
Kp is the cost of preferred stock at 6%
E is the weight of equity at 70%
D is the weight of debt at 25%
P is the weight of preferred stock 5%
V is the total weights of the three which is 100%