So pls specify if this is pre or post slavery abolition cause thats gonna make the answers REALLLL different
Anyway while slavery still have African Americans weren't even considered people and had to literally build America with no pay or recognition. Like their sleeping arrangements were terrible not to mention they were sold like cattle to the highest bidder and forced to r*pe each other in order to create more slaves.
Post Slavery is different
in the following years it was hard for African Americans to get jobs because of the racism still prominent in America and then they couldn't vote or go to school. Then when they got an education it was still segregated and just like left overs from the white americans and now here we are today where police brutality and institutionalized racism are constants in our society. A black teen was murdered in the 21st century for holding a cellphone and a cop deemed them 'dangerous' and shot them dead on the street.
So yeah thats the america we live in where nothing is ever equal and white people actually suck
~Your truly the whitest liberaly bi democratic youll ever find