Match the following items with the correct descriptions.

c.Bed load
d.Mass wasting
h.Braided channels
i.Cut bank
k.Point bar

A. the volume of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time
B. the physical removal of material by a mobile agent such as flowing water, waves, wind, or ice
C. the physical breakdown (disintegration) and chemical alteration (decomposition) of rock at or near Earth's surface
D. the process by which solid particles of various sizes are separated and deposited in different locations
E. new channel segment occurring between meanders due to erosion
F. area of active erosion in a river
G. the transfer of rock and soil downslope, under the influence of gravity
H. a complex network of converging and diverging channels that thread their way among numerous islands or gravel bars
I. area of deposition along a river
J. the slope of a stream channel expressed as the vertical drop of a stream over a specified distance
K. sand, gravel, and large boulders that are too large to be carried in suspension and, instead, move along the bottom of a stream channel