A standard solution of FeSCN2+FeSCN2+ is prepared by combining 9.09.0 mL of 0.200.20 M Fe(NO3)3Fe(NO3)3 with 1.01.0 mL of 0.00200.0020 M KSCN.KSCN. The equation for the reaction is as follows.Fe(NO3)3+KSCN↽−−⇀FeSCN2++KNO3+2NO−3Fe(NO3)3+KSCN↽−−⇀FeSCN2++KNO3+2NO3−What allows us to assume that the reaction goes essentially to completion?a. The excess Fe3+Fe3+ prevents the formation of the neutral Fe(SCN)3.Fe(SCN)3.b. The reaction quotient ????Q is greater than Kc.Kc.c. The concentration of Fe(NO3)3Fe(NO3)3 is much higher than the concentration of KSCN.KSCN.d. The equlibrium reaction has a very high Kc.Kc.e. Under the conditions given, Le Châtelier's principle dictates that the reaction shifts to the left.
Based on that assumption, what is the equilibrium concentration of FeSCN2+?FeSCN2+?equilibrium concentration of FeSCN2+=FeSCN2+=