
type a sentence for each vocab word it has to be original though
must be done a fast as possible thanks :)

1. malevolent – (adj.) having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
2. aberration – (n.) a departure, usually unwelcome, from what is normal, usual, or
3. assuage – (v.) to make an unpleasant feeling, less intense.
4. repertoire – (n.) a collection of items, skills, or types of behavior that a person
often uses.
5. imprudent – (adj.) not showing care for the consequences of an action.
6. asinine – (adj.) extremely stupid or foolish.
7. martyr – (n.) a person who is killed because of their personal or religious beliefs.
8. gait – (n.) a person's way of walking; how someone walks.
9. obstreperous – (adj.) noisy and difficult to control.
10. qualm – (n.) a feeling of doubt, worry, uneasiness, or fear.
11. contentious – (adj.) causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
12. iota – (n.) an extremely small amount.
13. couth – (n.) good manners; refinement.
14. venerable – (adj.) given a great deal of respect, especially because of age,
wisdom, or character.
15. cantankerous – (adj.) bad-tempered, argumentative, & uncooperative.

Respuesta :

1. Brenda became a malevolent individual
2. The event was an aberration from what happened last year
3. She was able to assuage the bad moods
4. I have a variety of repertoire son was imprudent
6. He was asinine
7. The Jewish people where martyr
8. He had a funny gait
9. These kids are obstreperous
10. I had qualm
11. She is contentious
12. I had iota in my bank account
13. He had couth
14. He was venerable
15. He was a child so of course he was cantankerous
Your welcome