
The sense that is most important to animals for survival is their sense of hearing. Animals depend on hearing for everything from evading predators to finding food and mates. Therefore, it is no wonder that many animals have been impacted by the noise of human civilization.
Scientists have noticed that birds near cities have changed their songs. The pitch has gone up, which makes it easier for them to hear each other when they are close together. However, a higher pitch does not carry as far, and this limits the reach of a song. Also, female birds prefer mates with a lower-pitched song, so this change affects the mating habits of birds.
But birds are not the only animals affected. Whales have changed their migration patterns to avoid low-frequency sonar, and the near extinction of the Yangtze River dolphin has been attributed in part to noise pollution. Scientists are working now to quantify the impact of noise pollution on other animal populations.

Which quote from the article best supports the idea that noise pollution impacts animals?

A) Scientists have noticed that birds near cities have changed their songs.

B) However, a higher pitch does not carry as far, and this limits the reach of a song.

C) Scientists are working now to quantify the impact of noise pollution on other animal populations