1. Reflect on a situation in your personal life where poor listening skills created a problem. Briefly describe the situation, then spend the bulk of your reflection analyzing what went wrong in terms of listening and how, specifically, effective listening would have made a difference.

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Taking correct dosage of medicine and adhere to drug interactions


During any visit at the Dr.'s office the pharmacy professional is there it give directions on how to properly take the medicine that has been prescribed.

It is important that these medications are taken properly, at the right dosage and for the proper duration.

A real life example is antibiotics. Most persons are unaware of certain food or drinks that can and do interfere with the effectivity of antibiotics. Secondly, the right dosage for antibiotics must be taken in order for the drug to work. Finally, the antibiotics must be taken for the entire duration of the time prescribed. Most patients "feel good" after a few days and quit the course of treatment only to have the illness return with an uncontrollable outcome.

While those three suggestions are the most common mistakes that should be avoided alcohol must never be taken with antibiotics as it creates competition for absorption in the liver.