Flowering plants are plants classified as Angiosperms. They are the most diverse group of plants in the Kingdom Plantae. Angiosperms or flowering plants as their name implies are characterized by the possession of reproductive structures called FLOWER. The male reproductive flower called STAMEN produces their gamete in a structure called POLLEN while the female reproductive flower called PISTIL contains an ovary that produces egg cells called OVULES.
In flowering plants, the pollen of a male flower is transported to the receptive part of the female flower called STIGMA in a process called POLLINATION. The pollen contains the gamete (sperm cell) that conveys the genetic material (DNA) of the male plant. A fertilized ovule develops into a seed, hence, the reason flowering plants are called SEED-BEARING.
Therefore, pollen is the structure containing the genetic material (DNA) that is transported from one plant to another (same species) in flowering plants.