Please go through the explanation section.
(a) Returns(HelloWorld, Hello)
Negation: ~Returns(HelloWorld, Hello)
English translation of negation: The program HelloWorld does not return the value Hello.
(b) ∃x ∃y ∀z, Accepts(y, x) ^ Returns(z, x)
Negation: ∀x ∀y ∃z, ~Accepts(y, x) v ~Returns(z, x)
English translation of negation: For all values x and all programs y, there exists a program z such that Program y does not accept value x or Program z does not return value x.
(c) ∀x ∃y, Returns(x, Hello) ^ ~Accepts(x, y)
Negation: ∃x ∀y, ~Returns(x, Hello) v Accepts(x, y)
English translation of negation: There exists a program x such that for which all values y, program x does not returns value Hello or program x accepts value y.