The Last Supper.
The incident that Marks the initiation of the events leading to when Jesus Christ was Crucified is when Jesus Christ had the LAST SUPPER with his followers/disciples.
The four Gospel books of the Bible agreed with this, that is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It was during the last supper that Jesus revealed that one out of the disciples will betray him(which was later found out to be Judas Iscariot).
After the last Supper, Jesus Christ took his disciples (except for Judas Iscariot) to Gethsemane to pray.
After the prayer, Jesus Christ was arrested and sent to trials which later lead to his death through the Crucifixion.
After he died, he was buried and after the burial the Bible made us to understand that he rose out of the dead on the third day and this event makes Christians all over the world to believe in ressurection after death.