Respuesta :

The difference between Collinear Points and Coplanar Points is that the former a states that if three or more points lies in a straight line  and a line on which the points lie, especially if it is related to a geometric figure such as triangle, is also called an axis while the latter are simply the same as the meaning of the Collinear but lies on the same plane. I hope you are satisfies with my answer 

No.1 Yes, they are.

No.2 No, they aren't.

Further explanation


  • Collinear points represent points that lie on a straight line. Any two points are always collinear because we can constantly connect them with a straight line. A collinear relationship can occur from three points or more, but they don’t have to be.
  • All points can, also, be said to be coplanar. This is because in addition to these points forming a line they must also lie on a planar surface.


  • Coplanar points represent a group of points that lie on the same plane, i.e. a planar surface that extends without end in all directions.
  • Any two or three points are always coplanar, but four or more points might or might not be coplanar.
  • Coplanar points are not also collinear. This is because even though some points are collinear points, the lines that contain these points are not always located on the same planar surface, i.e., as coplanar points.

Learn more

  1. Which points are coplanar and noncollinear?
  2. What are the names of three collinear points?
  3. What are three collinear points on line l?

Keywords: compare collinear points and coplanar, straight line, a plane, a planar surface, located, contains