A _________ is a group of people who live together and share responsibilities and resources.

Mao Zedong’s government took control of farms in China through


Industrial production crashed during the Cultural Revolution because

a.people sabotaged the government’s reform effort.
b.the Red Guards imprisoned important leaders.
c.people revolted against poor working conditions.
d.the Red Guards were assigned leadership posts.

Respuesta :

1. I believe the answer is: commune

These people usually formed a group because they have similar set of principles or belief. They share the ownership of resources  equally among their other members and usually formed without any form of hierarchical structures. (the leader does not possess higher social standing compared to the followers)

2. I believe the answer is: collectivization.

Collectivization refers to the policy to eliminate private ownerships from the people and transform the control to the local government. Than, the government would divide the right of the result of the farm equally  to its local members regardless of how many work hours that each individual put to the farm.

3. I believe the answer is: d. the Red Guards were assigned leadership posts.

The red guards filled with young students that Mao use to create propaganda that benefited his position in the government. At that time many of the red Guards were assigned with leaderships posts to secure Mao's policy is implemented, regardless of their competency.


a commune is a group of people who live together and share responsibilities and resources.