The number of cars sold weekly by a new automobile dealership grows according to a linear growth model. The first week the dealership sold seven cars ( P 0 = 7 ). The second week the dealership sold twelve cars ( P 1 = 12 ).

Respuesta :

The number of cars that sold on the third week is (P3=26)

The number of cars that sold on the first week is (P4=33)

Step-by-step explanation:


  • The number of cars that sold on the first week is (P0=7)
  • The number of cars that sold on the second week is (P0=12)

We have to find the number of cars being sold on the upcoming week

From the data given above, frame the equation

Pn = Pn −1+7   ( 12-5=7  it denotes the cars sold in the first and the second  week)

Pn=5+7n (cars in the first week and the cars sold in the second week into "n" n is used to find the cars sold in the upcoming weeks)

(If n=3)



The number of cars that sold on the third week is (P3=26)

(If n=4)



The number of cars that sold on the first week is (P4=33)