tions in Spanish: Why would you like to visit that country? What would you like to do there? What do you know about the place and its tourist attractions? Do you know anyone who has been there? What opinion does he or she have of that country? Does not have to be long just enough it get by.
See answers (1)
Asked 06/07/2018
Select an interesting Spanish-speaking country and plan a tour. Make use of the Internet for gathering your travel information, such as food and lodging, places of interest, and other relevant information. Then answer the following questions in Spanish: Which websites did you visit to gather the information? Why would you like to visit that country? What would you like to do there? What do you know about the place and its tourist attractions? Do you know anyone who has been there? What opinion does he or she have of that country? (You can do it in spanish or in english)
See answers (1)
Asked 02/08/2020
rite a short essay about two places in Peru you would like to visit, why you want to visit those places, what you would like to see, and how you would like to travel from one place to the other.
See answers (1)
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