1.) How do crickets communicate temperature and reactions and body parts allow them to do this?
2.) Why does the frequency of chirps go up as the temperature rises?
3.) Is the speed of chirp used to communicate? In music, how does tempo communicate emotion to
the listener?

Respuesta :

1. Answer:

The crickets experience various chemical reactions called Stridulation. The energy required to carry out this reaction can be calculated using the Arrhenius equation.  

They rub their body parts together to produce the specific chirping sound. This part is present on the wings of the male cricket. This is called a scraper. They rise their wings to a certain degree i.e 45-degree angle and the scraper comes out rubbing itself on the underside of the opposite wing.

2. Answer:

As the temperature rises, the tendency of the Stridulation rises. This is because heat provides them with the energy they need for the chemical muscle reaction to take place. This enables them to produce the chirping sound more often.

Crickets are small cold-blooded insects. They work like a thermometer when it comes to temperatures. With the summer season on its peak, one can hear more chirping than usual and as the temperature drops, this chirping faints or completely stops in winters.

3. Answer:

Dolbear's law is used to define the rate of chirping and its relationship with temperature.  

The speed with which crickets chirp is used for communication with female crickets.

This is done to attract the female crickets in the area and to make the adjacent crickets aware of their territory.  

Different species of crickets produce unique songs. Some of these songs are quite melodious while for others it may be irritating to sleep at night with this sound.

4. Answer:

The tempo is defined as the rate or speed at which every music note is being played in a specific song.

Music and tempo are interconnected. Tempos are known for evoking emotions in an individual like happiness, sadness, loneliness etc.  

The tempo is made up of many elements like loudness, pace, mode, melody or even lyrics.  

The more calming the tempo is the more emotional its effects will be. On the other hand, the louder the tempo is the more upbeat or aggressive effects it could bring on the listeners.


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