Can you identify the supergroups to which these protists belong?
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Protists and Supergroups

Diatoms SAR - Stramenopila

Foraminiferans – SAR  - Rhizaria

Plasmodial slime molds - Unikonta  - Amoebazoans

Trichomonas vaginalis - Excavata - Parabasalids

Giardia intestinalis - Excavata - Diplomonads

Dinoflagellates - SAR -  Alveolata

Green algae - Archaeplastida- Chlorophytes

Brown algae - SAR-Stramenopila


Protists are the simplest eukaryotes. Due to their vast diversity of species, they are broadly divided into four supergroups or the clades. They are the Archaeplastida, Excavata, SAR clade, and Unikonta.

Archaeplastida: Interrelated with DNA sequence, cell structure, and endosymbiotic relationships. Divided into red algae, chlorophytes, charophyceans, and the plants. Eg, red algae, green algae, plants.

Excavata: Protists with cytoskeletal features like excavated grooves. This clade includes diplomonads, parabasalids, euglenozoans. Eg., Trichomonas and Giardia species

SAR: Protists interrelated with their DNA sequences and endosymbiotic relationships. Further divided into alveolata, stramenopila, and rhizaria. Eg., diatoms, dinoflagellates

Unikonta: Protists with flagella like structures, pseudopodia, genes fused together. Divided into amoebozoans and opisthokonts. These include slime molds, fungi, entamoebas, animals etc.

The supergroups to which these protists belong-

  • Archeaplastida - green algae
  • Excavata - Trichomonas vaginalis, Giardia intestinalis
  • SAR - Diatoms, Foraminiferans, Dinoflagellates, Brown algae
  • Unikonta - Plasmodial slime molds

Supergroups to which Protists belong

Protist is the group of Eukaryotic organisms that do not include in the animal, plant, or fungus groups. It is divided into four supergroups:


it includes Red, Green algae, and land plants. Since red and green algae have common features with land plants.  


these are the protists that have special structural features in their flagella.


these are Stramenopila, Rhizaria, and Alveolata including the protists that have their origin in endosymbiosis.


it is a group of protists that have common features with fungi and animals. They move through pseudopodia

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