The symbol > −1 indicate about the positions of and −1 on the number line-It indicates that >-1 is located on the right of 0, and −1 is located on the left of 0
On the number line the numbers on the left are less than the numbers on the right.The numbers on the right is greater than a number on the left.and the center point of the line is the number 0.
In simple words,the numbers on the left side are represented by the negative symbol (-) like (-1,-2,-3,-4,-5)
and the numbers on the right are represented by Positive symbol (+) like (+1,+2,+3 )
If a number is less than (>)-1 it means that the position of the number is on the right of 0 on the number line and -1 indicates that the number is located on the left of zero.
So the correct option is (c) located on the right of 0, and −1 is located on the left of 0