
GlobeTrekkers, Inc. has employees all over the world. Employees have face-to-face meetings on occasion, but they communicate with each other mostly via conference call, email, and webcasts. These employees ________.

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Form a virtual team


Virtual team can be defined as a group of workers or employees who work together with a common purpose but are separated by location. Virtual team can also be called "remote team" or "geographically dispersed team", or "telecommuting".

It refers to a group of people working on similar project but are situated in different locations of the world. Virtual team is made possible with the advent of technology. All members of the team communicate with the use of technology such as video conference call, email, webcasts and other forms of technological communication.

Virtual team does not require the physical presence of the team members since communication is done online. This allows employees some form of freedom and shift between jobs(that is have more than one job). It allows workers have time to handle their personal matters.

Employers of virtual team workers also benefit from reduced cost of operation. The employer doesn't have to provide offices for each staff members.


The employees are a virtual team.


A virtual team is made up of a group of individuals who are dispersed in different geographic locations but can effectively work together on a project from their different locations.  In other words, they can all work together or collaborate on a project from a distance (without gathering at a geographical location).

The work of a virtual team is made possible through communication technology like fax, email, voice or video conferencing services (for face to face meeting) as well as webcast.