Which of the following statements is not true of the phases of a given substance ?
A. The particles of gases have more kinetic energy than the particles of liquids or solids . B. The particles of a solid vibrate.
C.The particles of a liquid are in a fixed location .
D. Gases have weak intermolecular forces between the atoms molecules

Respuesta :

The particles of gases have more kinetic energy than liquids and gases.


  • We know that in case of solids the molecules are very tightly packed , in case of liquids the molecules are loosely packed and lastly in case of gases the molecules are very loosely packed.
  • As we known in case of solids energy present is very less and in case of liquids energy present is more than solids and lastly in case of gases the energy present is most.
  • Gases have more kinetic energy because the particles present in gaseous form can move easily without any obstruction.


A. The particles of gases have more kinetic energy than the particles of liquids or solids


The amount of kinetic energy in a substance is related to its phase. Gases have more kinetic energy than liquids. Liquids have more kinetic energy than solids. When a substance increases in temperature, heat is being added, and its particles are gaining kinetic energy.