
develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which Islamic gunpowder empires developed and expanded between 1450 to 1750. (DBQ form)

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The Islamic Empire that developed the most in the period was the Ottoman Empire. They used the certain disagreements that existed in the area around the Mediterranean sea that at the peak of its power had around 10 million square km. It was a typical feudal state, where the ruler had supreme authority.


The Ottomans started spreading their country in the 14th Century. Still, their greatest achievement was when they conquered Constantinople in 1453. By the end of 15th Century they conquered practically the whole Balkan Peninsula. During the reign of Selim they conquered Egypt and Syria. Then Suleiman managed to conquer large portion of Central Europe. The downfall came after the peace treaty of 1699. By 1750 the Ottoman Empire was not as strong as it was.