A mother brings her 15-month-old toddler to the clinic for his preventative health care visit. The clinician takes the history and observes the child's interactions and behaviors and is the ready to begin the rest of the examination. Which of the following best describes the general approach to the pediatric examination of the young child?
a) Begin with least invasive parts of the examination first.b) Children age <2 years do not need to be examined.c) Always give immunizations prior to beginning the examination.d) Examine the child in the same order as for an adult patient.e) Never examine a young child in the mother's lap.

Respuesta :



a) Begin with least invasive parts of the examination first.


The sequence for examining a child should vary with the child's age,

development, and overall comfort level. In general, perform less‐

invasive maneuvers first and delay potentially distressing maneuvers

until later in the examination.


Always examine prior to immunization
