Create a program that includes a function called toUpperCamelCase that takes a string (consisting of lowercase words and spaces) and returns the string with all spaces removed. Moreover, the first letter of each word is to be forced to its corresponding uppercase. For example, given "hello world" as the input, the function should return "HelloWorld". The main function should prompt the user to input a string until the user types "Q". For each string input call the function with the string and display the result. (Hint: You may need to use the toupper function defined in the header file.)

Respuesta :



using namespace std;

//method to remove the spaces and convert the first character of each word to uppercase


toUpperCameICase (string str)


string result;

int i, j;

//loop will continue till end

for (i = 0, j = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)


 if (i == 0)       //condition to convert the first character into uppercase


  if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z')   //condition for lowercase

  str[i] = str[i] - 32;   //convert to uppercase


if (str[i] == ' ')   //condition for space

  if (str[i + 1] >= 'a' && str[i + 1] <= 'z')   //condition to check whether the character after space is lowercase or not

  str[i + 1] = str[i + 1] - 32;   //convert into uppercase

if (str[i] != ' ')   //condition for non sppace character


  result = result + str[i];   //append the non space character into string



//return the string

return (result);


//driver program

int main ()


string str;

char ch;

//infinite loop

while (1)


fflush (stdin);

//cout<< endl;

getline (cin, str);   //read the string

//print the result

//cout<< endl << "Q";

// cin >> ch; //ask user to continue or not

ch = str[0];

if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q')   //is user will enter Q then terminatethe loop


cout << toUpperCameICase (str);

cout << endl;


return 0;
