There are four main types of mechanical weathering: frost wedging in which rocks are broken by water freezing within cracks, salt crystal growth in which rocks are broken by salt freezing within cracks, sheeting in which rocks dome upward and peel off, and biological activity in which living things such as tree roots break rocks apart. You will visually identify these types. Note that one of the images is not an example of mechanical weathering.

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there are 5 types of mechanical weathering are

  1. Thermal expansion
  2. Frost weathering
  3. Exfoliation
  4. Abrasion
  5. Salt crystal growth
  • The mechanical or physical environment breaking rock. The mechanical environment does not change the chemical composition. it breaks down into small pieces.
  • Due to constant ice and melting in the ice, the rocks can break into small pieces. It occurs in temperate highlands.
  • Salt erosion occurs in coastal areas where saline water accumulates in seawater rocks. Peeling is also known as exfoliation and occurs in desert areas where rocks are constantly shrunk and there is a huge change in temperature.
  • The biological environment is caused by plant roots or sinking animals. Because of their actions, the stones are broken into small pieces.