vector a is 2.80 cm long is 60 degrees above x-axis in the first quadrant. vector b is 1.90 cm long and is 60 degrees below the x-axis in the fourth quadrant. show the proper equation to get the answer of a-b and b-a. i don't know how subtract the equation i want to see the right one so i can try to get the answer by myself.

Respuesta :

So, you know how to add, right? Subtraction is just taking the negative one, making it the other direction, and then adding the two in the proper order. So, for example, a 1.00 cm long vector 45 degrees above the x-axis, and the same below it (let the first be a and the second be b, and have both be directed away from the origin). A-B in that case would be the square root of 2, at 90 degrees off the x-axis. The first file I attached was the regular adding, and the second was the subtraction. 
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